26 Nov 2013

Deobandi/Tablighee Aqeedah

Read the below for proofs against Wahabi /Doebandi & flourish this over the entire world.   1. Al-Laah can tell a lie. (Fataawa Rasheediyah, vol. 1. Page 19). 2. Al-Laah does not know beforehand what His creations would do. Al-Laah comes to know of their doings only after they have done something. (Tafseer Bulghatul Hairaan pages 157 and 158)....

24 Nov 2013

The Food, Drink and Clothing of the People of Hell

The food of the people of Hell is ad-Daree and az-Zaqqum, and their drink is al-Hameem, al-Ghasleen and al-Ghassaaq. Allaah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala) says: "No food will there be for them but a bitter Daree obnoxious thorny plant, which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger". (88:6-7) ad-Daree is a thorny plant know as ash-Shubruq that grows in the Hijaaz...

23 Nov 2013

Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh)

Hazrat Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) is the beloved son of Hazrat Sayyiduna Ali and Bibi Fatima (Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een) and the most beloved grandson of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He was born on the 5th of Sha'baan in the year 4 Hijr...

Can men wear earrings ?

Men’s getting their ears pierced and wearing earrings is totally impermissible. Wearing earrings makes one similar to women in appearance. There is a Hadith: Translation: It is narrated on the authority of Hadhrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas (May Allah be well pleased with them), he says that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has cursed those men who try to resemble women and on those women...

Our Daughters are a Blessings, Not a burden

Children are no doubt a great gift from Almighty Allah to all parents. Parents must think of their children as such treasures that the all the wealth and material resources are worthless as when compared to one's children. We, as parents, should thank and be grateful to Almighty Allah for blessing us with children whether they are boys or girl...