16 Nov 2015

Safar 2nd Islamic month

Incorrect beliefs regarding the blessed month of Safar: Safar al-Muzaffar is the second month of the Islamic calendar. Literal meaning of Safar is empty. During this month the houses used to be empty and deserted because the ban on going to war in the month of Muharram came to an end, thus everyone proceeded towards the battlefield. Many people have improper beliefs regarding this month i.e....

11 Nov 2015

The Qadiri Treasures

The Qadiri Treasures, Explainedby Huzoor Mufassire Azam Hind Ibrahim Raza Khan Rahmatullahalaih Huzur Ghawth al Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jilani RadiAllahuanhu has commanded his Mureedeen to recite the five treasures of the Qadiri Order after each Salah 100 times. By adding the Blessed name of Allah Almighty it completes its astounding benefits;  1.YAA AZEEZU YAA ALLAH (O All Mighty, O...


Qurbani is a worship with goods and is Wajib (necessary) upon every rich person. To sacrifice a specific animal on a specific day for the sake of Allah (The Exalted) for the intention to gain reward is called a Qurbani. Qurbani is Wajib upon every Muslim who is not a traveller and is the owner of Nisaab and is a free person. ★ Just as Qurbani is Wajib upon all males it is also Wajib upon all...

What are major sins and minor sins

Question:     What is Gunah Kabiraha and what are they and what is Gunah Saghira and what are they?............................................................................ Answer:     There are various Traditions about the Major Sins (Gunah Kabira).  Those sins, which are normally included in Major Sins are the following:1.  Shirk-...