2 Feb 2014

- Malaik (Angels)

1) Angels are creations of light.
2) They have been given the strength by Allah (The Exalted) to turn into whatever shape or form they wish, whether it be of a Human or another creation.

3)  Angels never do anything against the order of Allah (The Exalted), nor purposely or by mistake, because they are Ma'soom. They are pure from all types of sins small or large.

4) Allah (The Exalted) has given many types of duties, some angels have a fixed duty of taking out the soul, some to give rain, some have been given the task to create the face of a child in the mother's womb, some to write the deeds of an individual, some to do a particular type of duty, others to do another type of duty etc.

5)  Angels are not male or female.

6) To believe them as Kadeem (always have been in existence or always will be in existence) or to believe them as the creators is Kufr/infidelity.

7)  The slightest form of insult for an Angel is also infidelity [Alamgiri etc]. Some people call their enemies or oppressors as 'the angel of death,' to say such things is not allowed and close to infidelity.

8)  To reject the existence of Angels or to say that the strength of all good is known as Angels and there are no such things are both acts of Kufr.


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