The rule for Fasting is similar to Namaz and is Farz-e-Ain and those who reject
to believe it as obligatory (Farz) is a Kafir and those who miss it without
genuine reason is a big sinner and will receive punishment in hell.
Those children
who have the strength should be made to keep a fast and strong boys and girls
should be forced to keep a fast (a few slaps not with a stick) [Durr-e-Mukhtar].
Fasting for the whole month of Ramadan is obligatory.Blog Archive
- - The benefit of giving Zakah
- - Punishment and loss for not giving Zakah
- - Conditions when Zakah would become necessary
- - A fixed time loan or Mehr does not stop you from...
- - Basic Necessities (Hajat-e-Asaliya)
- - Zakah for three types of goods
- - Zakat For Gold, Silver And Business Goods
- - Zakat On Saima (Animals)
- - Zakat on Crops And Fruits
- - Who should be given preference when giving Zakah
- - Whom Can Zakah Be given to ?
- - Sadaqa And Fitra
- - Who can beg or ask for financial help
- - Begging is a degrading act
- - Aqeeqa
- - Qurbani
- - Obligation of Fasting
- - Description of fasting and age for beginning
- - Allocated time for the intention of Fasting
- - The meaning of the intention
- - Sehri And Iftaar (Opening And Closing the fast)
- - Action that breaks the fast
- - Actions that break the fast but only Qaza is nec...
- - Actions that break the fast and Kaffara is also ...
- - Acts that do not break the fast
- - Acts that make the fast Makrooh
- - Situations Where Missing The Fast Is Allowed
- - Fasting on doubtful days
- - To make a promise to fast
- - Virtues For Some Nafl Fasts
- - When Nafl fasts can be broken
- - Aitekaaf (Staying in mosque)
- - The signting of the moon
- - Method of performing Ablution (Wudhu)
- - Tayammum
- - Method Of Bathing
- - Impurities
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esale sawab
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2 Mar 2014
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