It is better when giving Zakah, Sadaqa etc. that it should be given to
your own brothers and sisters, then to their children, then to your paternal
uncles and aunts and then to their children, then to your maternal uncles and
aunts and then to their children and then to people living in your home village
or town [Johra, Alamgiri etc.].
It is quoted in the Hadith that Allah Ta'ala
does not accept those people's Sadaqat whose relatives are in need of it and
they give the money to others [Radd-ul-Mohtar].
It is not allowed to give Zakah to Bad Mazhabs i.e. people who belong to a wrong sect [Durr-e-Mukhtar].
In the same way it is not allowed to give
Zakah to those renegades who claim to be Muslims from their mouths but lower
the dignity of Allah and His beloved Prophet or reject other obligatory beliefs
of Islam [Bahar etc.].
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