8 Feb 2014

- 5th Qualification of Salaah (Niyyat - Intention)

1) Niyyat means a fixed intention of the heart, only a thought or an indication is not sufficient until there is a fixed intention.

2) It is better if you say it with your tongue, for example, "I make the intention of two rakat Fardh of Fajar Salaah, for Allah Ta'ala, my face towards the Kabah, Allahu Akbar."

3)  It is necessary for a Muqtadee to make the intention of following the Imam.

4) If the Imam did not make the intention of being the Imam, the Salaah of the Muqtadees will count but they will not gain the reward of Jamaat (congregation) prayers.

5) The intention of Salaah-e-Janaza (funeral) is like this; "I make the intention of Salaah, for Allah Ta'ala, and prayer for this dead person, Allahu Akbar.


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