1 Feb 2014

- What qualifications are necessary for a Spiritual guide (Pir) ?

1) To become followers of Awliya and to become involved with them is a worthy action to gain reward in both worlds, it is therefore necessary for these four qualifying aspects to be necessary in a Peer, for one to perform Bay'ah (take oath).

(a) They must be a Sunni with the correct beliefs; otherwise you may actually lose your faith.

(b) He must have enough knowledge so that he can complete his necessary actions by looking at books, otherwise he will no be able to differentiate between forbidden and acceptable, allowed and not allowed.

(c) He must not be a Fasiq (wrongdoer, one who does not follow Shariah) as it is necessary to disrespect a Fasiq and it is important to respect a Pir.

(d) His tree of virtue must be connected to the Prophet otherwise he will not gain virtue from the top.


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