1 Feb 2014

- The order of someone asking for forgiveness for an Infidel

1)  Whoever performs a prayer of forgiveness for a dead infidel, or calls an infidel as a forgiven or a Jannatee, or if someone calls a dead Hindu a 'Bekanth Baashi (Jannatee) are themselves an infidel.
2) To believe a Muslim as a Muslim and to believe an infidel, as an infidel is necessary. A particular person's reality of being an infidel or a Muslim cannot be fully known until it is proven according to Shariah that on what state their death had come, meaning whether he has died on infidelity or died on Islam. However, this does not mean that whoever has performed definitive Kufr, then to be suspicious of his Kufr, because for someone to have suspicion of a person who has performed definitive Kufr is to become a Kafir himself. This is because the action of Shariah is done on what is seen to be the case, however, on the day of Hashr the real person's beliefs will be known.

3)  The best way to see this is that if a infidel, Christian, Jew or Hindu dies then one cannot say with complete confidence that this person has died as a Kafir, but the order of Allah (The Exalted) and his Messenger for us is that we believe his as a Kafir and to treat him like a Kafir. The same way is if a person is a known Muslim and he hasn't said or performed anything against the basic necessities of Islam, then it is obligatory for us to believe him as a Muslim. Whether we are unaware of what status he died at.

4)  There is no third grade instead of infidelity or Islam. Meaning you cannot have a person who is not an infidel nor a Muslim, he must be either a Muslim or an infidel.

5)  A Muslim will always remain in Jannah and will not be evicted; an infidel will always remain in Dozakh and will never come out.

6)  To perform prostration as a form of worship to anyone except Allah (The Exalted) is Kufr, and for respect it is Haram (strictly forbidden).


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