8 Feb 2014

- What is Sajda-e-Tilaawat?

This is the Sajda which becomes Wajib when you pray or hear the verse of Sajda. It's proper method is to stand up and say Allaho-o-Akbar whilst going into Sajda and then pray at least three times 'Subhana Rabbi'al Aalaa' and then whilst saying Allahu Akbar stand back up. 

Sunnah way of performing Sajda-e-Tilaawat
1) It is Sunnah to say at the start and the end 'Allaho Akbar in Sajda-e-Tilaawat. Also to start the Sajda by standing up and then going into Sajda and then standing back up again after. Both of these Qayams are Mustahhab [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].

2) If you did not stand before or after the Sajda or you did not say Allaho Akbar or you did not pray 'Subhana Rabbi'al Aala', then even still your Sajda will count. However, you should not miss Takbeer as it is against procedure [Alamgiri, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

3) When saying the Takbeer you do not lift your hands nor do you pray Attahiyat or perform Salaam in Sajda-e-Tilaawat [Tanweer, Bahar].

4) In total there are fourteen verses in the Qur'an whereby whichever verse is prayed, both the person praying and listening will have to perform Sajda-e-Tilaawat as it will become Wajib on them, whether the person listening made the intention of listening to it or not.

Conditions of Sajda-e-Tilaawat

1) Except for Tahrimah, for Sajda-e-Tilaawat all conditions remain which are in Salaah. For example, cleanliness, facing the Qibla, intention, time and covering of the body, also if you have access to water then you cannot perform Sajda-e-Tilaawat by performing Tayammum [Durr-e- Mukhtar, etc.].

2) If a verse of Sajda is prayed in Salaah then it is Wajib in Salaah to perform Sajda and if you delay it you will become a sinner. Delay means to pray three or more verses after the verse of Sajda. If however, the verse is at the end of a Surah then there is no harm in finishing the Surah. For example, in Surah Inshaaq if you performed Sajda at the end of the Surah there is no harm.

3) If you prayed a verse of Sajda in Salaah, but forgot to perform Sajda then as long as you are in the state of Salaah (whether you have performed Salaam) then you must perform it and then perform Sajda-e-Sahoo [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

4)  If you pray a verse of Sajda in Salaah then to perform it's Sajda is Wajib in Salaah not outside, and if you deliberately missed it then you are a sinner and repentance is necessary as long as you did not perform Ruku and Sajda straight after the verse.

5)  It is not a condition to state in the intention for Sajda-e-Tilaawat the verse that you have prayed, but a general intention of Sajda-e-Tilaawat is sufficient.

6) Whatever action breaks the Salaah also breaks the Sajda-e-Tilaawat, such as releasing wind, talking, laughing in Salaah etc. [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].

7) Sajda does not become Wajib by writing a verse of Sajda or just by looking at the verse [Qazi Khan, Alamgiri, Guniya].

8) For the Sajda to become Wajib, it is not necessary to pray the whole verse of Sajda, but by just praying the word that makes the verse Wajib and a joining word before or after the word would make the Sajda Wajib [Durr-e-Mukhtar].

9) By spelling or listening to the spelling of a verse of Sajda does not make the Sajda Wajib [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Qazi Khan].

10)  If the translation of a verse of Sajda is prayed or is heard then the Sajda becomes Wajib, whether the person who heard it understands it or not that it was the translation of a verse of Sajda. However, it is important that if he does not know then he should be informed. If however, the verse is prayed and then the translation is prayed then it is not necessary to inform him that this was the translation [Qazi Khan, Alamgiri, Bahar].

11) If a woman on her menstrual cycle of bleeding after childbirth has prayed the verse then the Sajda won't be necessary for her to perform the Sajda, however those who have heard her pray the verse will have to perform the Sajda as it is still Wajib for them [Bahar].

12) Just as it does not become Wajib for a woman on her menstrual cycle or bleeding after childbirth to perform a Sajda, it also does not become Wajib for her if she hears the verse.

13)  If a person for whom it is obligatory to bathe has prayed the verse of Sajda or heard the verse or a person who is not in Wudhu prays or hears it then it still becomes Wajib for them to perform a Sajda.

14)  If a child prays a verse of Sajda then it becomes Wajib for those who hear it but not for the child [Alamgiri etc.].

15)  If the Imam has prayed the verse of Sajda but did not perform Sajda, then the Muqtadee will also not perform Sajda and continue following the Imam even though they might have heard the verse [Guniya]. Whenever the verse is prayed and for some reason the person praying or hearing do not perform the Sajda then it is Mustahhab to pray "Sam'I Na Wa Ata'na Gufranaka Rabbana Wa'ilaikal Masir" [Radd-ul-Mohtar].

16) To pray the whole Surah and to miss the verse of Sajda is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi [Qazi Khan, Durr-e-Mukhtar].

17)  If in one Mosque one verse is repeated many times or heard many times then only one Sajda is Wajib even if different people have prayed it. Also if you pray a verse and you hear the same verse from someone else, then again only one Sajda will be Wajib [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar]. 

Changing of an Assembly

1) The assembly will not change by;
a) eating one or two bites,
b) drinking one or two gulps,
c) to stand,
d) to walk one or two steps,
e) to reply to a greeting,
f) two talk a couple of words,
g) to walk from one side of the house towards another side.

2)  If however, it is a large house with different rooms then the assembly will change by walking from one side to another.

3) If you are in a boat and it is moving then the assembly will not change. The same rule should also apply to a train. If you are on an animal and the animal is moving then the assembly is changing but if you are praying Salaah on the animal then the assembly has not changed.

4) The assembly will change if you eat three bites, or drink three gulps, or walking three steps in a field, to speak three words, to lie down and go to sleep, to pray the Nikah and to buy or sell something [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Guniya, Bahar].

5) To sit in an assembly for a while and to pray the Qur'an or perform a lecture or listen to a lecture or have a religious discussion does not change the assembly, but if between the same verse being repeated you perform a worldly action like to sew a piece of cloth etc. then the assembly will change [Radd-ul-Mohtar].

6) If the person hearing the verse is paying attention and to perform the Sajda would not be a strain on them then the verse should be prayed loudly otherwise it should be prayed quietly and if you are not sure whether they are paying attention or not then the verse should be prayed quietly [Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar-e-Shariah].

7)  During the state of illness, the Sajda can be performed by action only, also if you are on a journey and in a vehicle then you can perform action only to fulfil the Sajda and it will count [Alamgiri etc.].


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