8 Feb 2014

- Makrooh-e-Tanzihi

In Sajda or Ruku, to say the Tasbeeh less than three times is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi. If however, you do this because there isn't enough time or you are going to miss the train, then there is no problem.

To pray Salaah in your working clothes is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi. If however, no other clothes are available then there is no harm.

Praying Salaah with the head uncovered

1) To pray Salaah with the head uncovered due to idleness, meaning by wearing a topi you feel pressure or feel hot, then it is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi. If you don't wear a topi or an Amama (turban) because you feel that the Salaah is not worth and you hold no value of Salaah then this is Kufr. If you do not wear a hat so that you can concentrate on the Salaah and gain more satisfaction then it is Mustahhab [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar].

2) If the topi falls off in Salaah then to lift it up and put it back on is better as long as Amal Kasir does not occur (e.g. lifting it using both hands). If the topi has to be lifted a few times then it is better to leave and if by lifting it will cause distraction to your concentration then it is better to leave it [Durr- e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

3) To remove grass or sand which is stuck on the forehead is Makrooh if it is not causing a problem in praying the Salaah. If you remove it due to pride then it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi. If it is causing a problem or distraction when praying Salaah then you can remove it. To remove it after Salaah is no problem but in fact should be removed so that it would not create a feeling of pretence [Alamgiri]. In the same way if necessary it is allowed to wipe off the sweat from the forehead and all actions of Amal Qalil are allowed if it is better for the praying of Salaah, any action that has no benefit to Salaah is Makrooh [Alamgiri].

4)  If your nose is running in Salaah, then it is better to wipe it than to let the water drip on the floor, and if you are in the Mosque then to wipe it is necessary [Alamgiri].

5) To sit with your legs folded in Salaah is Makrooh if there is no need, and if there is a necessity then there is no problem and to sit like this outside Salaah is no problem [Durr-e-Mukhtar]. When going into the Sajda to touch the floor with your hand before the knees touch the ground and when coming up from Sajda the knees to be lifted before the hands is Makrooh if there is no necessity.

6) It is Makrooh to have your head higher or lower than the back when in Ruku [Guniya].

7)  It is Makrooh when standing, to lift your legs at different times.

8)  If a mosquito or lice are causing you difficulty then there is no harm in killing them as long as Amal-e-Kasir is not done [Guniya, Bahar].

Praying Salaah on the Mosque's roof is Makrooh

1) It is Makrooh to pray Salaah on the Mosque's roof [Alamgiri].

2)  If someone is sat or stood up and is talking, there is no harm in praying Salaah behind him as long as your Salaah is not distracted or your attention is not disturbed. Also there is no harm in praying Salaah behind the Qur'an or a sword or someone sleeping and it is not Makrooh [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
Fire in front of a Namazee

1) There is a problem by having fire in front of a Namazee and there is no problem by having a candle or light in front [Alamgiri].

2)  To wave away with the hand a mosquito or fly without cause is Makrooh [Alamgiri].

3) To pray Salaah in front of anything that causes distraction to the heart is Makrooh such as jewellery etc.

4) To run because of Salaah is Makrooh [Radd-ul-Mohtar].

To break Salaah in difficulty

1) Situations when you are allowed to break Salaah;

a) Someone who is in difficulty is asking for help and is calling this Namazee,
b) Someone is drowning or will catch fire,
c) a blind person will fall in a ditch or a person is going to fall in a well, in all these situations to break the Salaah is Wajib when this Namazee has the power to help him [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul- Mohtar].

2) If you are feeling the need to go to the toilet or you have seen enough impurity on your clothes that is allowed or the Namazee has been touched by a unknown woman, then in all three situations it is better to break the Salaah as long as the time of Jamaat time is not passing, and if you have an urge to go to the toilet then it is allowed to miss the Jamaat time, but you must not let the Salaah time pass [Radd-ul-Mohtar].

3) To break Salaah is allowed in order to kill a snake or an animal that will harm you and you are sure that it will.

4)  It is allowed to break Salaah in order to chase after an animal that has ran away or there is a threat that a wolf will harm your goats.

To break Salaah so that you can stay away from trouble

If there is going to be a loss of more than one Dirham in value (approx. 30p) to yourself or someone else, for example, your milk that is boiling will over-boil or the cooking of meat will burn or a crow etc. will fly off with your food, then in these situations it is allowed to break Salaah [Durr-e- Mukhtar, Alamgiri].

If you are praying a Nafl Salaah and your mother, father, granddad or grandmother calls you but they are not aware that you are in Salaah, then you should break the Salaah and answer them [Durr- e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].


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