7 Feb 2014

- Allah (The Exalted)'s presence

1) Allah (The Exalted) is Wajibul Wajood meaning that his presence is necessary and disappearance impossible.
2) There is nothing that is outside the knowledge of Allah (The Exalted).
(a) Whether it is present or not.
(b) Whether it is possible or impossible.
(c) Whether it is specific or global.
(d) He has been aware of everything, is aware of everything, and will always be aware of everything for eternity.
(e) Things change but His knowledge does not change. He is fully aware of our intention and what is in our heart. His knowledge has no end.

3) Without Allah (The Exalted's) intention nothing can happen, however, he is pleased when something good occurs and displeased when something bad occurs.

4) Allah (The Exalted) has the power of all possible things.
(a) No possible thing is out of his power.
(b) Things, which are impossible for Allah (The Exalted), are not under his power.
(c) To believe power over the impossible for Allah (The Exalted) is to reject Allah (The Exalted).

5)Good and bad, Infidelity and faith, to obey and disobey is all created by Allah (The Exalted).

6) In real terms Allah (The Exalted) is the deliverer of wealth. Angels are servants and interceders.

7) There is nothing necessary for Allah (The Exalted), not to give reward or to pass on punishment or to favour upon, because He is the master without any restriction whatsoever.
(a) Whatever He wishes He can do whatever He wishes he can order.
(b) If He rewards then it is His virtue, if He punishes then it is His fair Judgement.
(c) Yes it is His graciousness that He will only order what a servant can do.
(d) He will of course give with His virtue paradise for Muslims and He will give from His Judgement Hell to non-Muslims, because He has promised that except for Infidelity whatever sin He wishes He will forgive and His promises or threats do not change. This is why punishment and reward will definitely occur.

8) Allah (The Exalted) is care free from the world. He does not gain any benefit or loss from it. Nor can it give Him benefit or loss.

9)Whatever He does, there is no personal benefit or gain to Him.
 (a) From creating the world there is no personal benefit to Him and if He had not created it there would have been no personal loss to Him.
(b) To show His virtue, Judgement and qualities He created the creatures.

10) In everything that Allah (The Exalted) does there are a lot of reasons behind it whether we understand them or not.
(a) It is His reasoning that He has made one thing to be a cause for another thing.
(b) He made Fire to be the cause of heat.
(c) He made water to be the cause to cool something.
(d) He made the eyes so that one could see; He made the ears so that one could hear.
(e) If he wished He could have made fire to cool, water to heat, eye to hear, ear to see.

11) For Allah (The Exalted) all faults and mistakes are impossible. Like to lie, illiteracy, mistake, cruelty, to be shameless, all sorts of faults are impossible for Allah (The Exalted).

(a) If someone believes that Allah (The Exalted) can lie but does not lie, they therefore believe that Allah (The Exalted) has the power to make a mistake or fault but does not do so. It does not stop there one would have to believe that Allah (The Exalted) can perform any sort of fault but does not do so, like to steal, perform adultery, be cruel, to give birth etc. "Ta'ala Allaha An Dhaalika Ulwan Kabeera" Allah (The Exalted) is pure from all them sort of things.

(b) To believe Allah (The Exalted) can perform faults but does not do so is to believe faults in Allah (The Exalted) and therefore rejecting Allah (The Exalted) as a Lord. May Allah (The Exalted) protect us against having these sorts of beliefs?


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