2 Feb 2014

- Who will not be asked questions in the grave

1)  The Prophets will not be asked questions in the graves nor will their graves tighten.
2)  Many followers will also not be asked the questions, like those Muslims who die on Friday or in the month of Ramadan.

3)  The situation of relaxation and punishment in the grave is a fact.

4)   This punishment or reward is for both the body and the soul. Whether the body disintegrates or burns or mixes in the soil, it's original parts remains until the day of resurrection.

5)   It will have reward or punishment and on the Day of Judgement it will be reformed back to a body. These original parts are actually situated in the spine and cannot be seen by humans nor are they eaten by the soil and nor can they be burned. These are the seeds of the body and from these Allah (The Exalted) joins the rest of the parts of the body, which have been spread by either being turned into ashes or soil and are reformed into the original body.

6)   The soul then comes back into that body and is presented in the field of resurrection. This day is known as Hashr. This also re-iterates the point that the souls go back to the same body that they belong to and by burning the body or by the body disintegrating it does not disappear but is recreated from it's original seeds, and therefore a whole new replacement body is not created but the original is recreated, and all the changes does not affect it. For example, when a child is born and then a person grows up becomes a teenager and then becomes a man, but after all these changes the person is the same, a new person does not appear. The person knows that ten years ago it was me and it is still me, all these changes haven't made a new person and every person understands this about themselves and about others.

7)  Where a person has buried or has been left to rot, the questions will be asked there and the punishment will occur there. If a tiger has eaten a person, the questions will be asked inside the tiger's stomach, and the punishment and reward will also happen there.

8)   A person who rejects the fact of the punishment and reward of the grave is a misguided person.


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