8 Feb 2014

- Jamaat - Congregational Prayers

1) There has been a lot of emphasis given to Jamaat and it carries a lot of reward, upto the extent that a Salaah prayed with Jamaat gains reward twenty seven times more than a Salaah prayed on it's own.
2) Jamaat is Wajib for males and to miss it even once without cause is a sin and should be punished and for those who make a habit of missing Jamaat is a wrongdoer (Fasiq) and his statement for witnessing cannot be accepted and should be severely punished. If his neighbours ignored the fact that he was missing Jamaat then they are also sinners.

What Salaah have the condition of Jamaat

1) For Friday prayers (Ju'ma) and Eid prayers, Jamaat is a condition and without Jamaat the Salaah cannot be prayed.

2) The Tarawih Salaah is Sunnah-e-Kifayya, meaning if some people within an area performed it then the rest will not be responsible and if no-one prayed it in an area then all will have done a bad thing and would be responsible.

3)  Jamaat in the Witr prayer during the month of Ramadan is Mustahhab.

4)  Jamaat in Sunnah and Nafl Salaah is Makrooh and except for the month of Ramadan it is also Makrooh for Witr Salaah.

5)  If you are aware that if by washing the body parts three times in Wudhu, you will miss a Rakaat then it is better to only wash them once and obtain the Rakaat. If you are aware that by washing the Wudhu parts three times you will not miss a Rakaat but will miss the first Takbeer, then it is better to wash the parts three times [Sagiri, Bahar-e-Shariah]. 

Jamaat Thania (Duplicate Jamaat)

1)   If in an area there is a fixed Imam in a Mosque and after calling the Adhan and Iqamat and praying the Sunnahs, the Imam has then lead the Jamaat prayers, then to pray that Salaah again standing a different Jamaat is Makrooh after calling the Adhan and Iqamat again.

2)   If however, the second Jamaat is prayed without calling another Adhan then there is no problem as long as it is prayed slightly away from the Mehrab.

3)   If the first Jamaat was prayed without an Adhan or with a quiet Adhan or by other non regular people then the Jamaat is to be called again and this second Jamaat is not Jamaat Thania. [Durr-e- Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar]. 

What Reasons allow the Jamaat to be missed

The following reasons can be used to miss Jamaat;
a) Such an illness that it would be very difficult to go to the Mosque
b) The weather is very cold or very cloudy, or very windy
c) You have a bad urge of excretion, urination or releasing wind
d) You are scared of an aggressor
e) You are scared that you will miss your group
f) You are blind or disabled
g) You are so old that it is very difficult to go to the Mosque
h) You are afraid that your possession or food will be destroyed
i) A person who is poor and owes money and is scared of bumping into the lender
j) You are looking after an ill person and if you leave them they will have difficulty or be afraid.
All the above are causes that allow you to miss Jamaat.
Women are not allowed to attend any Jamaat, not day Salaah or night Salaah, or Ju'ma and Eid, whether she is young or old. The same rule applies for women attending lectures, i.e. they are not allowed to attend [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar-e-Shariah].

Where does a single Muqtadee stand?

1)  A single male Muqtadee even if he is a child should stand on the right side and parallel with the Imam.

2)  It is Makrooh for a single Muqtadee to stand on the Imam's left side or behind the Imam.

3)  If there are two Muqtadees then they should stand behind the Imam, to parallel with the Imam is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi.

4)   If there are more than two Muqtadees then it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi to stand parallel with the Imam [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar].

5)   One person was stood in line with the Imam and then another person joined then the Imam should go forward and the person that has joined the Jamaat should stand next to the present Muqtadee.

6)   If the Imam cannot move forward then the Muqtadee should move backwards or the person arriving should pull the Muqtadee back. However, if there is only one Muqtadee then it is better if he comes back and if there are two then it is better for the Imam to move forward.

Rules of rows (Saff)
1) The rows should be straight and the people should be joined alongside each other. There should not be a gap between the people in the rows and the shoulders should be level and the Imam should be in the front in the middle.

2) It is better to stand in the first row and close to the Imam. However, in the Jananza Salaah it is better to stand in the back row [Durr-e-Mukhtar].

3) The Muqtadee should say the Takbeer-e-Tahrima with or after the Imam. If the Muqtadee said the word 'Allah' with the Imam and 'Akbar' before the Imam then the Salaah will not count.

4) The Muqtadee cannot pray the Qur'an in any Salaah, not when the Imam prays loudly or quietly because whatever the Imam prays is sufficient for the Muqtadee [Hidaya etc.].

5) The method of the rows should be that the men are in the front rows then children then finally women [Hidaya].
Who should be an Imam
1)  The Imam should be a Muslim, male, sane, adult, one who knows the rules of Salaah and a non Ma'zoor (has no illness). If any of the above six aspects are not found in an Imam then the Salaah will not count behind him.

2)   Ma'zoor can be an Imam for a Muqtadee with the same illness or worse than him. If however, both the Imam and Muqtadee have two different types of illnesses e.g. one suffers from releasing wind and the other suffers from droplets of urine then they cannot be an Imam for each other [Alamgiri, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

3)   A person with a Tayammum can be an Imam for a person with Wudhu [Hidaya etc.].

4)  A person who performs Masah over leather socks can be an Imam for a person washing his feet [Hidaya etc.].

5)   A person who prays Salaah standing can be a Muqtadee of a person who prays Salaah seated [Hidaya].

6)   The person who performs Ruku and Sajda cannot pray behind a person who prays by action only. However, if both the Imam and Muqtadee both pray with actions then they can follow each other [Hidaya].

7)  A naked person cannot be an Imam of a person who has covered his body [Hidaya].

Order of praying Salaah behind a person with wrong beliefs

1)  To make a 'Bud Mazhab' (person with corrupt beliefs) whose beliefs have not gone outside the folds of Islam is a sin and to pray a Salaah behind him would make the Salaah Makrooh-e-Tahrimi and would have to be repeated as this would be Wajib [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar, Alamgiri].

2)   To make an open wrongdoer (Fasiq Mu'allin) such as a person who drinks alcohol, gambles, adulterer, one who obtains interest money, one who tells tales etc. those who commit big sins, an Imam, is a sin and Salaah behind them would be Makrooh-e-Tahrimi and to repeat it is Wajib [Radd-ul-Mohtar, Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.]

3)   Salaah behind those Bad Mazhabs whose beliefs have gone out of the folds of Islam such as Rafzi (Shiites, even if they only reject the fact of Hazrat Abubakr being a Caliph or a Sahhabi or insults the Shaikhain Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhuma), those who believe that the Qur'an is man made, those who reject intercession or seeing Allah on the day of Hashr, or the punishment of the grave or the existence of Kiraman Katibeen cannot be performed [Alamgiri, Guniya].

4)   There is an even more stricter rule for those who call themselves Muslims and in fact follow the Sunnahs but still reject some important beliefs of religion (Zarooriyat-e-Deen) and insult Allah and His Prophet or at least believe those who insult, as Muslims, Salaah behind these is also strictly not allowed.

Order of following a Fasiq
1)   Following a Fasiq is not allowed except for in Ju'ma as there is no alternative for this, for all the other Salaah if there are other Mosques in the vicinity then you should go. If there are other nearby Mosques that perform the Ju'ma prayers then you should go there [Guniya, Radd-ul-Mohtar, Fatahul Qadir].

2)   For the Imam to stand alone on a higher platform is Makrooh, if the height is small then it is Makrooh Tanzihi and if the height is big the it is Makrooh Tahrimi [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].

3)   If the Imam is in a lower place and the Muqtadees in a higher place it is also Makrooh and is against the Sunnah [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].

4)   A Masbook when finishing his missed Rakaats is a Munfarid.

Definition of a Masbook
1)  A Masbook is a person who joins in the Jamaat after the Imam has already prayed some Rakaats and he remains with the Jamaat until the end of the Salaah. A Munfarid is a person who prays the Salaah on his own and not with Jamaat.

2) If a Masbook found the Imam in the Qaidah then he should say Allahu Akbar whilst standing and fold his arms like normal in Qayam, then whilst saying Allahu Akbar he should sit down and join the Jamaat. If he found them in Ruku or Sajda then he should do the same by performing Takbeer- e-Tahrima and then join the Jamaat, if he however, when saying the first Allahu Akbar bent too far as if already nearly in Ruku then the Salaah will not count.

3) If the Masbook joined the Jamaat for a four Rakaat Salaah in the fourth Rakaat then after the Imam has performed the Salaam he should stand up. He should then pray one Rakaat with Alhamdu and Surah and then sit down and perform Qaidah. He should then stand back up and pray Alhamdu and Surah in this Rakaat and then perform another Rakaat and pray only Alhamdu and then go into the last Qaidah and finish the Salaah as normal. Meaning except for the Qaidah with the Imam he should perform two more Qaidahs. The first Qaidah after one Rakaat and the other Qaidah after two more Rakaats.

4) If the Masbook joins the Maghrib Salaah in the third Rakaat then after the Imam has performed Salaam he should stand up and pray Alhamdu and a Surah and then perform Ruku and Sajda and then perform a Qaidah. He should then stand back up and pray another Rakaat with Alhamdu and Surah and then perform Ruku and Sajda and the perform the last Qaidah and finish the Salaah as normal. Meaning in both the Rakaats you have to perform a Qaidah and you have to pray Alhamdu and a Surah so in this situation there has been two additional Qaidahs after the Imam has performed Salaam.

5) If you have joined the Jamaat in the third Rakaat of a four Rakaat Salaah then after the Imam has performed Salaam pray two Rakaats and in both Rakaats you must pray Alhamdu and a Surah and then perform the last Qaidah and finish the Salaah as usual.

6) If you have missed the first Rakaat then after the Imam has performed Salaam pray one Rakaat with Alhamdu and a Surah.

7)  If the Masbook performed Salaam with the Imam by mistake then the Salaah has not gone but he should stand up and finish his Salaah. If he performed the Salaam with the Imam exactly at the same time then no Sajda-e-Sahoo is necessary and if the Salaam was performed after the Imaam then Sajda-e-Sahoo is Wajib. If the Masbook performed the Salaam with the Imam deliberately thinking that he should perform the Salaam with the Imam then his Salaah has become void and he will have to pray it again [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

When you should break a Fardh Salaah and join the Jamaat

1) Someone started a four Rakaat Fardh Salaah alone and he had not yet performed the Sajda of the first Rakaat and a group next to him started the Salaah with Jamaat, then he should break his Salaah and join the Salaah. Also for Fajr and Maghrib even if he has performed the Sajda for the first Rakaat, he should still break the Salaah and join the Jamaat.

2) If in the four Rakaat Salaah he has performed a Sajda for the first Rakaat then he should not break the Salaah but pray two Rakaats and then finish the Salaah after the second Rakaat, and then he should join the Jamaat.

3) If he has prayed three Rakaats then he cannot break the Salaah but he should finish his Salaah alone and then he can join the Jamaat with the intention of praying a Nafl Salaah. He however, cannot join the Jamaat with the intention of Nafl after 'Asr Salaah because you cannot pray a Nafl after 'Asr Salaah.

4)  In a four Rakaat Salaah you had not performed the Sajda for the third Rakaat then you should break the Salaah and join the Jamaat.

5) If you want to break the Salaah then there is no need to sit down but whilst standing up make the intention to break it and perform Salaam to one side.

6) If you started a Nafl, Sunnah or a Qadha Salaah and a Jamaat started then do not break the Salaah but join the Jamaat after finishing your Salaah. If you started a Nafl Salaah with the intention of four Rakaats and had only prayed one or two then finish two Rakaats and join the Jamaat. If you are in the third Rakaat then finish the Salaah and then join the Jamaat.

7) To join the Jamaat you can only break the Salaah when the Jamaat is being started where you are praying. If you are praying in the home and the Jamaat has started at the Mosque or you are praying in one Mosque and a Jamaat has started in another Mosque then you cannot break the Salaah to join that Jamaat, even if you have not performed the Sajda of the first Rakaat you still cannot break the Salaah [Radd-ul-Mohtar].

8) It is obligatory for the Muqtadee to follow the Imam for the obligatory actions of the Salaah, meaning, if the Muqtadee performed an obligatory action before the Imam and did not do at the same time or after the Imam then the Salaah will become void. For example the Muqtadee went into the Sajda before the Imam and the Imam had not yet gone into Sajda and the Muqtadee lifted his head from Sajda then his Salaah will become void unless he repeats that Sajda after the Imam then his Salaah will not become void [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].

9) If the Muqtadee performed the Sajda before the Imam but the Imam went into the Sajda before the Muqtadee lifted his head, then the Sajda will count but to do this is Haram [Alamgiri].

10)  It is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi for a Muqtadee to stand at the back on his own if there is space in the rows in front. If there is no space available then there is no problem, however, if he can, he should pull someone from in front backwards so that he can stand adjacent to each other. He must remember that the person he is pulling back is aware of this rule otherwise he might break his Salaah [Alamgiri] and if necessary then he should make an indication and if the other person does not come back to the last row then it won't be Makrooh to pray alone in the last row [Fatahul Qadir, Bahar-e-Shariah].

 Method of starting a Jamaat

The Jamaat should be set up as follows;

a) When the Mustahhab time for Salaah arrives then the Adhan should be called.

b) The people should then attend the Mosque or where the Salaah is going to take place with Wudhu and if they have not prayed the Sunnahs at home then they should pray them and then sit down ready in rows and the Imam should sit in his place.

c) The Mu'azzin should then call the Iqamat and when he reaches 'Hayya Alal Falaah' all the people

d) and the Imam should stand up and just before 'Qad Qamatis Salaat' the Imam should make the intention and say Allaho-Akbar and start the Salaah,

e) the Muqtadee should follow the Imam and say Allaho-Akbar and pray Thana and then the Muqtadees should remain quiet and the Imam should continue

f) and when the Imam goes into Ruku and Sajda the Muqtadees should follow and complete the Salaah with the Imam.

g) Except for Alhamdu and a Surah everything that is prayed in Salaah should be prayed by the Muqtadees.
h) If someone comes after some Rakaats have already been prayed then he should make the intention and join the Jamaat.

i) At the end when the Imam performs Salaam he should not perform Salaam but stand up and finish the Rakaats off that he missed and then perform Salaam and finish the Salaah.

j) After the Salaam the Imam should turn to his right or left side and face the Muqtadees and raise his hands in front of his chest and perform Dua and the Muqtadees should also perform Dua.

k) After the Dua they should move from their place and pray the Sunnahs etc.

l) The Imam should say the Takbeer-e-Tahrima before 'Qad Qamatis Salaat' and the Muqtadees should say it after the Imam [Alamgiri].


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