28 Feb 2014

- Food Leftovers And Perspiration (Sweat)

Whose leftovers are clean?
1) Human's leftovers (whether they are need of bathing or a woman who is on her menstrual cycle or still bleeding after childbirth) are clean [Khaniya, Hindiya).
2)  The leftovers of infidels is also clean, however, you should refrain from it. In the same way, mucus, phlegm, saliva are also clean but people should avoid contact with them. You should believe it belongs to a very bad infidel [Hindiya etc.].

3) The animals whose meat can be eaten, whether they be four legged or birds, their leftovers are clean, for example:
a) cow, b) buffalo, c) bull, d) goat, e) pigeon, f) pheasant etc.

4)  The chickens which are free range and therefore can peck impurities, their leftovers are Makrooh (disliked), and if they are caged, then their leftovers are clean.

5) The leftovers of a horse are clean [Hindiya etc.].

6) The animals whose leftovers are impure are;

a) pig, b)dog, c) tiger, d) cheetah, e) wolf, f) elephant, g) vulture and h) other carnivorous animals [Hindiya, Khaniya].

7)  Animals that live in the house such as:
a) cats, b) mice, c) snakes, d) lizards etc. their leftovers are Makrooh [Khaniya, Alamgiri].

8) Leftovers of species that live in the water are clean, whether their birth was in or out of the water.

9)  The leftovers of birds of prey such as;
a) eagle, b) falcon, c) owl etc. are Makrooh.

10) The leftovers of a crow are Makrooh [Bahar].

11) If an eagle, falcon, hawk or owl are kept as a pet and used for hunting and you are aware that there is no impurity stuck in their beak, then their leftovers are clean.

12) The leftovers of donkeys and ass is doubtful and therefore water cannot be used to perform Wudhu.

13)  If leftover water is clean then you can use it to perform ablution or have a bath, however, if a person whom it is obligatory to have a bath, drinks water without first cleaning his mouth, then Wudhu is not allowed with that leftover water because the water has been infected.

14)  Whilst there is clean water available, it is Makrooh to use Makrooh water, however, if the only water available is the Makrooh water, then there is no harm. To eat Makrooh leftovers for a rich person it is Makrooh, for a poor person who has no choice, there is no harm. Whilst there is clean water available, it is not allowed to use doubtful water, and if the only water available is the doubtful water then you should use it for ablution or bathing and also perform Tayammum. In this situation it is necessary to make the intention of water and Tayammum, as an intention for just water or just Tayammum would not be sufficient.

15)  You should not eat doubtful food or water.

16) If doubtful water is mixed with clean water, and if the clean water is more in quantity then it is allowed to be used for bathing and if it is less in quantity, then it is not.

17) Those who's leftovers are impure, their sweat and saliva is also impure. Those who's leftovers are clean, their sweat and saliva is also clean. Those who's leftovers are Makrooh, their sweat and saliva is also Makrooh.

18) If the sweat of a donkey or mule gets on your clothes, they will remain clean regardless of the quantity.


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