28 Feb 2014

- Istinja (Cleaning the private parts)

Respects of Istinja
1) When performing excretion or urination or when washing, do not face towards Qibla nor have the Qibla behind you. Whether you are in the home or in a field, and if you do have your face or rear pointing towards the Qibla then change direction as soon as you remember as this may then be forgiven [Fatahul Qadir].
2) To have a child facing Qibla is Makrooh and the person making the child urinate is responsible for this and he will be given the sins [Alamgiri]. When performing excretion or urination do not have your face or rear pointing towards the sun or moon. In the same text it is not allowed to urinate against the wind or in any place where drops of urine would spray on you.

3) To go for urination or excretion without covering your head is not allowed and also to take with you anything that has 'Allah' or his beloved 'Prophet's name' on it or any Wali's name on it, is also not allowed [Alamgiri etc.].

4) The method of Istinja and the prayer before it

1) When you go to perform urination or excretion then it is Mustahhab (desirable) to pray this Dua outside the toilet:
a) "Bismillahi Allahumma inni A'udhubika Minal Khubuthi Wal Khabaa'ith"
b) Then first put your left foot inside the toilet room and when you get near the toilet then remove the clothing from the body but do not remove more than necessary.
c) Then separate the feet and sit down and give weight to your left foot and sit quietly with your head lowered and relieve yourself.
d) When you have relieved yourself, then men should shake their penis slowly from left to right, back and fourth so that all the drops of urine come out.
e) Then you should clean it with a dhela (handful of soil or sand etc.) and then before standing fully upright pull up your clothing.
f) Then step out of the toilet first with your right foot and when you have come outside the toilet, pray this Dua:
"Ghufranaka Al-Hamdu Lillahil Ladhi Adhhaba 'Anni Mayoo Dheenee Wa Amsaka 'Allaya Ma Yanfauni" 

Dua for entering the washroom
a) Then go into the washroom after praying this Dua;
"Bismilla'hil 'Adheem Wa Bihamdihi Wal Hamdu Lillahi 'Alaa Deenil Islami Allahumaj 'Alni Minatawwa Beena Waj 'Alni Minal Mutatah Hireenaladhina La Khawfun 'Alaihim Walahum Yahzanoon"

b) Firstly wash your hands three times, then pour the water with your right hand and wash with your left hand, and keep the can of water upright so that the water does not splash.

c) Then first of all wash the front parts and then wash the rear part (anus). When washing the rear put pressure on with your breath and put a Dhela and wash the part thoroughly so that after washing there is no smell remaining on your hand.

d) Then with a clean cloth dry the area and if you do not have a cloth then continue wiping the are until no water is left dripping, and if you are doubtful then shake the water off with a hand towel.

e) Then after leaving the washroom pray this Dua;
"Alhamdulilla Hilladhee Ja 'alal Ma-a Tahooraw Wal Islama Nooraw WaQa-idaw Wadaleelan ilallahi Ta'ala Wailaa Jannaatin Na'eem Allahumma Hassin Farjee Wa Tahhir Qalbee Wa Mahiss Dhunubee"
When impurity comes out of the front or the rear, it is Sunnah to clean with a Dhela. If it is washed only with water it is still allowed, but it is Mustahhab to first clean it with a Dhela then wash it with water. Cleaning with a Dhela is allowed when the impurity is not spread more than a Dirham in size, and if it is spread more than a Dirham then it is compulsory to wash it with water, however, it is still Sunnah to use a Dhela first. 

Difference in winter and Summer for using a Dhela
1 After excretion, for a male, the Mustahhab method of using a Dhela in Summer is to use the first Dhela starting from the front and then taking it to the rear. The second one starting at the rear then taking it to the front and finally the third Dhela from the front taking it to the rear.

2 In the winter start the first Dhela from the rear and then take it to the front, second vice-versa and third the same as the first.

3 Women in every season should use the first Dhela from front to rear, second from rear to front and the third from front to rear again [Qazi Khan, Alamgiri].

4 If you cannot gain complete cleanliness by using three Dhelas then use five, seven, nine, meaning in odd numbers.

5 After performing urination, if you feel that another drop of urine will come, then it is Wajib for you to perform 'Istibrao' meaning after urination to perform some act that would force the urine left inside, to come out.
Istibrao is done by swaying, or to hit your feet hard on the floor, or to come down from a high place to a low place or climb up from a low to a high place, or it can be done by crossing your legs over and putting on pressure, or it can be done by clearing your throat or lying on your left side. Istibrao should be performed until you are confident that no more drops will come out. The order of Istibrao is really for males, women should wait a little while after urination then perform cleanliness.

6 Stones, rocks, torn piece of cloth are the items that should be used for a Dhela, you can use these without any problem to clean.

7 It is not allowed to use (writing) paper to perform Istinja whether it has something written on it or not.

8 If a man's hand is disabled then his wife should perform Istinja for him, and if a woman's hand is disabled then her husband should perform Istinja for her. If you are not married and your hand is disabled then you should not use another relation such as son, daughter, brother, sister, in fact in this situation Istinja can be missed. 

Leftover water from Wudhu
You should not use the leftover water from Wudhu for the purpose of washing. 

Leftover water from washing
The leftover water from washing should not be thrown away, but should be used for something else as it is clean and also can be used to perform Wudhu.


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