3 Jan 2014

Meaning of Milad according to literature and Shariah

The word Milad has been derived from "viladut" which means birth.

Therefore, according to Arabic language, Milad is word which signifies the place and time of birth.

In the light of Shariah, we means, Milad is to remember the events which took place at the birth time of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) and we get the opportunity of narrating the Seerat of the Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) on this occasion, we also presents the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) gifts of Durood -o- salam.

We mention before the people attributes and praises of the Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him).

We do not believe that Milad is specified with same night but, we believe that the remembrance of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is incumbent in each minute and second of time and every Muslim should act it sunnahs in the whole life time.

Milad un Nabi (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) is a great source of preaching. It is incumbent for scholars to teach Muslims nations on this Holy occasion, moral behavior of the Holy Prophet, (Allah's Grace & Peace be upon Him) his antiquates, His affairs, His Seerat, His dealings and His worships.

The Muslim celebration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is quite different from the Christian Celebration of Christmas, the birthday of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).

What do Muslims do on the day of Eid Milad un Nabi (peace be upon him)? They organize gatherings in which Muslims discuss the birth, the life and the message of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). They feed the poor and the guests. They read the Qur’an and learn Qur’an from scholars. They praise Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and sing Naat / Nasheed (poems / rhymes). They reach out to non-Muslims and inform them about Islam.  The day is celebrated with purely religious and spiritual aspects of an Islamic life.

At this occasion Muslims remind themselves to love and follow Allah's last Messenger (Peace be upon him) in daily life. Eid Milad un Nabi (peace be upon him) is just like any other religious get-together of Muslims for the remembrance of Allah and His beloved Messenger (Peace be upon him).
If a gathering that discusses the birth, the life (SEERAH) and the message of Prophet of Islam is a Bid'a (distortion in Islam) because the Prophet himself and his companions (Peace be upon them) did not organize or ask people to organize such gatherings then we should not be doing any thing in the name of Islam that was not done by the Prophet (peace be him) OR his companions (May Allah be pleased with them).

Why Muslims organize and practice the following? The following practices and celebrations were never organized by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), neither by his noble companions and nor by any scholar in the history of Islam except until recently.

However, Eid-Milad-un-Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) has been in practice for the last thirteen centuries and has never been disputed by any scholar of Islam until the Zionists and the Crusaders occupied Muslim countries and made them colonies in 1800s/1900s. Eid Milad un Nabi has been made controversial during the last century. It had never been a controversial issue.  Those who call Eid Milad un Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) Bid’a let me share with you their BID’As.  Why their actions and practices are not called Bid’a?


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